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Make This Valentine's Day Romantic... Even In A Pandemic ❤️

Put Romance Back in Your Hands!

During these unprecedented times, we are being told to stay far apart from others, to socially distance. In a time where we are being forced to stay apart, it is imperative that we nourish the close relationships we have. Being stuck inside the house with someone day in and day out is guaranteed to drive you a little crazy sometimes, but why not use this time to your advantage?

We’ve thought of a few ideas to help you rethink and navigate this Valentine’s Day. It’s quickly approaching, so don’t be caught empty-handed! Read on…

Couple’s massage has been proven to bring couples closer and promote intimacy, so why not try your hands at it?

Browse the aisles and pick out your favorite scent together (Chazzy has a great selection). Make it fun! Massage candles are a great pick if you think you’d enjoy a warming sensation. Oils are great for travel and easy to store in a carry-on bag for a romantic getaway. Here are some helpful tips to make your experience great!

Set the Mood: Light some candles. Turn off your phone and the lights. Keep everything you need close to you, especially oils and towels to wipe your bodies down. Once you begin the massage, you do not want to be distracted. Continually starting and stopping the massage will ruin the moment. Make sure you’ve set up the room just how you want it. Find a relaxing playlist on Spotify and make sure the music is not too loud or too soft. Be mindful the temperature of the room is warm, and twinkling lights of the candles are well placed.

The Massage: When you’re ready, try not to squirt the oil on your partner, it can be messy and cold (Hint: NOT romantic!) Rub the oil in your hands and warm it for your partner. Always start your massage light and progressively work deeper. Keep your hands relaxed. As you go, ask your partner if the pressure should be more or less. Is this pressure okay? Too little or too much? Communication is key to make this moment consensual and beautiful. You can choose a back and shoulder focus, or a whole-body experience, but if you are not used to giving massages, your hands might get tired. Whatever you do, if you make it relaxing and romantic, it will be a wonderful Valentine’s day!

Don’t give her another box of chocolate this year! Give it some thought and make Valentine’s Day romantic again!

There are many places that sell candles and massage oils for your massage date. One is a new store right here in Peachtree Corners called Chazzy Health & Wellness. They are Valentine headquarters with a wide variety of gifts for your Valentine… lingerie, games, massagers, tantric oils, books, crystals, and bath and body products. They’ll even make a Valentine goody bag for you. Couples are their specialty! Click on the link for more information and directions.

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