We're chatting with Jennifer Rewkowski, Director of Program Management for all of the YMCA's in Metro Atlanta! Find out how you can GIVE BACK in our communities, and about the multiple resources the Y offers for health, fitness and wellness.
The Y offers so many programs to connect with our community while we're at home, and there are great ways for us to give back, too.
Sign up for the Healthy at Home newsletter on the YMCA website at ymcaatlanta.org
ANYONE can join the Y Facebook Group for exercise classes at 8, 10 or 12. Find the page at Atlanta YMCA Group Ex Classes
1. Donating online at ymcaatlanta.org
2. Giving non-perishable foods for the Feeding Programs (ie. peanut butter, cans that do not need a can opener) at the YMCA location nearest you.
3. Providing games, coloring books, colors, etc. for the First Responders Child Care Program.